Today women are working harder than ever before juggling both a personal and professional life in a 24/7 society where being “plugged in” and accessible to the key to success. Our job doesn’t end when we turn off the lights in our office, because our second job begins at home with raising a family, caring for aging parents, volunteering, and keeping a busy social calendar. Women are driven to be super heroes, always putting others’ needs in front of their own until it impacts their mental and physical health. Through understanding the importance of self-care, you can avoid the path to burnout before it’s too late. Learning objectives • Recognize the key signs of burnout and incorporate strategies to overcome the challenges • Understanding the importance of caring for yourself in order to care for others • Take control and actively manage your time • How to know when you’re too busy
This program has been submitted to the Events Industry Council for CMP Preferred Provider review.
3570 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89109
United States